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2022 Annual Meeting Minutes

Heritage Acres Annual Meeting Dec. 10, 2022, 10:00 am.  Wellspring Church,
424 N. Main, Webb City Mo.

Larry Warren, current Board President, called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM. 
Larry’s first order of business is to approve the 2021 annual meeting minutes that
are posted on the Heritage Acres Property Owners Association website. Marla
Bosworth motioned to approve.  Bruce Stockton seconded the motion.  
Four members of the current board are retiring their positions in 2023.  Those leaving
the current HAPOA board are Larry Warren, Bruce Stockton, Marla Bosworth, and
Jeremy RItchie.  Christopher Cox will remain as an acting board member.  Those that
have volunteered to replace leaving members are Lorie Thibault, Tom Harder, Kyler
Baker, and Jared Schwietzer.  Bruce Stockton motioned to accept the nominations for
replacement on the HAPOA.  Chris Cox and Ron Langford seconded.  
Larry turned the floor to Bruce Stockton who is currently in charge of the Road
Maintenance Account (General Fund Account).  Bruce summarized the phases that
have been adopted to crack and coat seal.  We have done several sections so far and
in 2023 will continue to the next phase.  Bruce explained the budget for the 2022
general fund.  Currently we are slightly under the proposed budget and on track to
continue with 2023 road repairs. (See Maintenance General Fund 2022 in files).  For
2023-24 we will continue road repair with $35,000 budgeted for road overlay. Bruce
encouraged residents to continue letting the oncoming board know of any issues with
the roads that may need addressed. Bruce added that the board had adapted a yearly
due increase of $25.00 to cover the proposed road maintenance.
Bruce updated the group on the current collection of HAPOA dues. At this date there
are 249 current owners with 271 billable lots and 41% have paid by Dec. 10, 2022.
Bruce also noted that the D&O insurance policy was paid last December and will not
show on the 2022 budget due to it being a 2021 expense. This next year it will be paid
in January. (2023)
Martin Ellison proposed a motion for the board to look at the roundabout on Heritage
Acres Dr to see if it can be cleaned up, repair the curbs, trimmed and maintained. The
trees have become overgrown and need some bushes removed. It was seconded and
agreed that the board will look in to gathering information to address that area.
Larry Warren opened the floor to discussion and meeting was motioned to adjourn.

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